Kuser Newser
June 2009
Principal’s Message
Dear Kuser Families,
It has been a historic year at Kuser School! This year I have had the opportunity to speak to so many people with such vivid and heartwarming memories of Kuser School. The alumni and former employees I have conversed with described teachers who were dedicated, caring and gave everything they had so that their students could learn. They described students with good character and manners. They described an active PTA and community. It is obvious how special Kuser was and still is to them!
As Principal I am fortunate to have a staff that always exceeds expectations. Our teachers spend hours in preparing their lessons and classrooms. The teachers and staff at Kuser are caring as many mentor students providing them with additional support and encouragement. Many staff members come early or stay late as they work as tutors in our Tutoring for Success and 21st Century Programs. It is a privilege to work with so many fine educators.
The PTA has been a vital part of Kuser’s history. On June 4th we inducted our new officers for the 2009-01 school year in style. I want to congratulate our new officers who will begin “officially” at the end of the year. Our PTA provides our students with so many exciting and enriching opportunities. They help to promote a positive spirit in the community and are consistently there to support Kuser School. I look forward to working with each and every one of you.
Our new officers are:
President: Jill Specian
1st Vice President: Kim Grehan
2nd Vice President: Collen Feinstein
Recording Secretary: Jill Conti
Treasurer: Mary Ritter
Corresponding Secretary: Bobby Jo Van Fleet
I also want to take the opportunity to thank this years PTA executive officers, committee chair people and parent volunteers who have given so many hours of dedicated service to Kuser. I especially want to thank Denise Parrish our former PTA president who made me feel so welcome and was so great to work with.
100th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Our 100th Anniversary Dinner was a huge success!
Kuser School shone with pride as Mayor Bencivengo, Senator Bill Baroni and Mercer County Freeholder and former staff member Pat Colavita, Jr. spoke about this historic occasion. We were presented with beautiful proclamations which will be displayed during the school year and become part of our archives.
Mr. Bencivengo, (Hamilton Superintendent of Schools), was presented with a plaque honoring the district’s character achievements. Mr. Bencivengo then spoke about his memories as a student at Kuser. He is an alumnus from the class of 1961. Mr. Bencivengo attended Kuser for eight years from 1953-61..Did you know that the district’s Character Development program began right here at Kuser School with Dr. Lois Braender, (Current Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction- Former Kuser Principal 1991-98)? Mrs. Stephanie Crea continued with a yearly theme that unified our students, staff and parent community. Kuser’s current theme, “A Century of Character” will extend into our 2009-10 school year as we conclude our centennial celebration in December.
The evening was filled with music, great food, a lot of stories including a moving tribute by Mr. Tom Glover, (Columnist for the Trenton Times and alumnus from the Class of 1947.)
A special thank you goes out to our committee chairpeople, (listed below), along with the staff of Mastori’s, our musical entertainment- SophisTajazz with special guest Head Custodian Mr. John DiGiovanni on the saxophone and Mrs. Conte for all the hard work with the favors!
Committee Chairpeople:
Mrs. Mull, Mrs. Potash, Mrs. Palumbo, Miss Olenderski, Mrs. Smith
The evening was a special tribute to Kuser which is a Hamilton icon, and at 100 we are still going strong!
Our official birthday will be celebrated on September 9th, 2009.
Please look out for more information on our centennial events.
If you have any questions Kuser, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 631-4155 ext. 3850. You may also e-mail me at rkesting@hamilton.k12.nj.us
Please sure to also check our Bulletin Board for updated information 631-4155- press 5.
It continues to be a pleasure serving as your Principal!
Mr. Roberto Kesting
To our Fifth Graders……
We are almost at start of summer which means it is time to say goodbye to another class of fifth graders. This is a bittersweet moment for all of us. It is exciting to see young people grow and mature and begin the path to an infinite number of possibilities. It is also sad because our staff has made so many wonderful connections with students and parents. We love each and every one of our students!
I want to leave our fifth graders with some wisdom that was passed on to me by my grandmother. It took me most of my life and a lot of grief to realize just how smart she was.
- Only you are responsible for your actions. No one can make you do anything.
- The popular choice isn’t necessarily the right one.
- The person who can do the right thing in a crowd of wrong doers is truly courageous.
- If you can’t afford it you don’t need it.
- A good person does not need a reward to do the right thing.
One of my favorite bits of wisdom is that a person’s most valuable possession is their reputation.
I want to thank each and every one of you. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you. I look forward to hearing all the great success stories that you will write in the future!
PLEASE REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Upcoming Dates (You may want to add this in another area combined with PTA)
June 12th- 5th Grade Memory Day
(Promotion & Awards Ceremony at 9:30- Parents Invited)
June 12th- 3rd Grade Picnic
June 13, 14- Relay for Life Event @ Sawmill 6PM 6/13- 8AM 6/14
June 15th- K-2 Awards Assembly (Students Only)
June 15th- 5th Grade Picnic
June 16th- 3-4 Awards Assembly (Students Only)
June 16th- Paper Day- all paper items go home with students (Except report cards)
June 17th- Last Day of School!