Friday, July 31, 2009

1945: The Big Red "K" and GAA!

Lorraine Feehan May was kind enough to share these two very unusual examples of memorabilia. I had never seen either of these emblems, but they are much appreciated as they also enter into the Kuser School Centennial Library of historic material. Thanks, Lorraine, and also please thank your sister for her addition to our "Kuser School Museum."

1945: Kuser Commencement Program

Thanks to Ms. Lorraine Feehan May for this 1945 Kuser commencement program. These were the "upper classmen" who were two years ahead of me at Kuser. There are many familiar signatures on the program.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


That great faculty at Kuser has been carrying the torch for all these years, emphacizing the importance of CHARACTER and also the very important lessons of LITERACY.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Many many thanks to Ms. Alice Feehan Hasty for this incredibly preserved Kuser School "Glee Club" patch, which was proudly worn on our favorite sweater. Lorraine Feehan May, (HHS '49), brought her sisters Alice Feehan Hasty (HHS '41), Mary Feehan Kieffer (HHS '44), and Evelyn Feehan Appleby (HHS '46), to my Kuser Farm program "The Music We Grew Up With" on Sunday, June 28. It was such a pleasure to meet them. The Feehan family lived on Newkirk Avenue next to the Colonial Volunteer Fire Company. For many years Mrs. Feehan was the dispatcher for the fire company.
And Alice Feehan Hasty, thank you again for this wonderful addition
to the Kuser School memorabilia and history folder.